Friday, June 15, 2007

Sleep is highly over-rated

How dumb of me to forget that Thursday nights are wedding nights! Let me tell you, at 1.30 this morning I remembered. After the hundredth time rolling over in my bed and cursing the loud apartment shaking music, (I think people are tone deaf, the music was horrible.) the light bulb went's Thursday night, someone’s getting married.

Yeah. Joy. Whoopee.

Lucky for me I wasn't invited, though the music was loud enough, I dreamed I was there. It was beautiful.

So, to those of you getting married this summer, thanks for not playing loud, bad, apartment shaking music. We are all grateful.

I don’t think the bad music was the only problem; mosquitoes have taken over my house.


erin said...

Is there a special significance to Thursdays? Sorry your sleep was ruined for the night! :(

Jesse said...

West African's just view Thursday's as a special, "lucky" day and it's the best day to get married.