Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hopes fullfilled

I’ll admit it, I was weird. What junior high student skips ahead to read what’s coming in the history textbooks? Me.

Pouring through history books I learned to love culture – ancient and modern. That love developed into desire to see and experience the things I read in those outdated, molded pages.

Stories of the trade routes through the Middle East, the West Indies Trading Company that spread culture faster and further than anyone before it, the great dynasties of China, European kingdoms, wars and colonies. The people in my history textbooks made choices that shaped nations and the future.

But what dictated those choices?

I believe it’s our hearts hopes. For as long as I can remember I’ve wanted to travel. I told my parents in high school to be ready…the world was waiting and I wasn’t staying in one place too long.

In a way, I think I am fortunate. My strongest desire allows me to fulfill God’s greatest commandments – to tell the world about Jesus.

That’s why I’m in West Africa right now. I wanted to see the world God created, to understand it and help others see God in it.

My heart is content and my hope is continually being fulfilled. But, God placed another desire in me – to show others what they have to offer a world the needs Jesus.

Each missionary I meet tells stories of towns, villages and people that knew something was missing they were just waiting on someone to come tell them.

I hope and desire that what I write moves YOU to search out the world around you for some one with whom you can share the story of Jesus. Start with what He did in your life.

Don’t be let your heart be sick…because if you’re a believer in Jesus, it should hope to see every “nation, tribe and tongue” in heaven.

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12 (NIV)

Find out how you as an individual, group or church can find the lost in West Africa at

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