Sunday, May 28, 2006
I am in Dakar, Senegal, at the moment. I am watching the most beautiful Senegalize girl separate the different colors of construction paper. She seems to be content to just help.
She is at the home of another J-girl, Carrie, who lives here in Dakar. Carrie teaches ESL and uses it to teach Bible stories. Carrie is an amazing person and I am learning a lot about her work here and how God has used her in awesome ways over the last year.
<---This is us at the Island called Goree Island and it was the last stop before the Americans for slave ships. We hung out there for a day and it was pretty cool... this is Carrie, Emily, me, and Aaron. We are all Journeyman. I have been here for ten days following around two volunteer groups, one from New York and the other from Texas...I have also had some fun...Pictures to come... Today, I had church by myself. I studied about suffering and how when we are not suffering for Christ we tend to get ourselves into trouble-like King David and Bathshiba, also when he wanted to count the numbers in the Israelites army... I realized I might think some one is suffering...But who am I to judge whether they are suffering or not...It could just be their life! I pray that we all find peace in our suffering, like Paul, who suffered most of his Christian life, yet gave all the glory to God. Blessings to you all, Jesse
This is the door the people who had just gotten sold, stepped out to get onto the boats. It is called the door of no return...
Thursday, May 04, 2006
This is Sammy: Mary Beth's and Deron's gate guard...he speaks English and is a really nice man. He is standing in front of our gate and if you look down the street our office is on the right at the end! A 1 1/2 min. walk!
This morning, I woke up at the unheard of hour of 5.30 a.m. to meet Emily and another worker Lucy for a morning walk around the neighborhood! Well, it was a beautiful morning and we saw a ton of people out walking...for me it turned into a sweat bath!
I guess it is something I will get used to...sweat and more sweat!
I am getting into the swing of things here at work...I am in the process of planning out our travels for the next year, well at least until Dec. It is hard work, but I am really enjoying it. I am also finishing up the stories from my trip in Burkina Faso...I think I got two good ones.
Today, Lucy invited us girls over to get our toes painted -- a women she knows is coming over to do it! I am VERY excited...clean and pretty feet, here I come.
Next day: I have pretty toes now!
Here are some pictures of my office and apartment -- enjoy...